
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Children's Book Review: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Retold by:  B. G. Hennessy
Illustrated by:  Boris Kulikov
Published by:  Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2006
40 pages

"Nothing ever happens here," the shepherd thinks. But the bored boy knows what would be exciting: He cries that a wolf is after his sheep, and the town's people come running. How often can that trick work, though?

B.G. Hennessy's retelling of this timeless fable is infused with fanciful whimsy through Boris Kulikov's hilarious and ingenious illustrations. This tale is sure to leave readers grinning sheepishly.

* Recently, my daughter and I had a discussion where I mentioned this fable to her.  Unfortunately, I don't remember the context of our conversation, but I did note to myself that I would have to get a copy of the story to read to her.  There are countless books and versions retelling this fable.  I picked this one because it was one of the newer ones listed in the library catalogue.  My daughter pretty much knew the fable from my simple retelling to her when we had the discussion when it was brought up.  So, she knew what was going to happen as I read.  This was a cute retelling of the well-known fable, and pretty much stuck to the traditional tale as most of us know it. The illustrations in the story definitely amused my kids, with the shepherd in barefeet, his finger up his nose in one picture, and the sheep in a funny place in another picture. 

Family Rating: 1 1/2 thumbs up.

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