Truckery Rhymes
Written by: Jon Scieszka
Illustrated by: David Shannon, Loren Long, and David Gordon
Published by: Simon & Schuster, 2009
64 pages
For generations, Trucks have been sharing these beloved tales, rowdy rhymes, and honk-along songs. Finally these classics have been gathered into one big, noisy, high-octane collection! All the favorite truckery rhymes are here -- from "Peter Peter Payload Eater" to "Little Dan Dumper"...all the way to "Pop! Blows the Diesel."
* My 3 year old son LOVES trucks and cars. Every time we go to the library he picks out non-fiction truck books. I won't bore you with reviewing them....there's only so many books about fire trucks and garbage trucks one can take!
Jon Scieszka has written many children's books. He created the Trucktown series as part of an initiative to encourage young boys to read. We've read a couple of books in the Trucktown series. I saw this one at the library and knew my son would love it. Boy was I right! He asked me to read it as soon as we brought it home from the library. I told him we'd read a couple of pages since it looked pretty lengthy. Well, once we got started we read through the entire book! The pictures of the trucks are really colorful and appealing to kids. While I'm not very familiar with Loren Long and David Gordon's work, however, you I could definitely identify David Shannon's influence in the illustrations. Each "truckery rhyme" is based off a well-known classic nursery rhyme. My son was cracking up and guessing which rhyme the "truckery rhyme" was based on. A very creative and fun book which both my son and I enjoyed a lot!
Family Rating: 2 thumbs up!
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