
Monday, February 13, 2012

Kid Craft: Birdseed Biscuits

Over the years I've gotten various Parenting and Family magazines.  I'd see lots of great craft ideas and recipes, rip them out, and stick them in a folder.  I've gotten semi-organized recently but sorting the articles into folders.  Finally, I decided to actually make one of the crafts with the kids!  Since the weather in New York has been unseasonably warm for winter, and we see and hear the birds outside, I thought it might be nice to make these heart-shaped birdseed biscuits. I ended up doubling the recipe.  We used various sized heart-shaped cookie cutters that I have, as seen below, to make six biscuits.  After all was said and done, we ended up with four good ones.  They are pretty fragile/crumbly and when I was trying to thread the ribbon through the hole two crumbled.  We have one hanging on a tree on the front lawn, but have yet to see any birds actually eating the seed.  We are giving the others to the grandparents as small Valentine's Day gifts.

Birdseed Biscuits
FamilyFun, February 2009

3/4 cup of birdseed
1 tablespoon flour
Cookie cutter
Cookie sheet

1.Our recipe makes two 3-inch biscuits or a single 4-inch biscuit. Mix together the birdseed, flour, and 2 tablespoons of water.

2. Spray or wipe a cookie cutter with oil and place it on a foil-covered cookie sheet. Pack the mixture into the cutter, inserting half a straw near the top to create a hole for hanging.

3.Bake the biscuit (with the straw) in a 170º oven until the biscuit is hard, about one hour. Let it cool.

4.Remove the straw, thread a ribbon through the hole, and hang it outside in a sheltered spot.

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