If the Shoe Fits
Written by: Alison Jackson
Illustrated by: Karla Firehammer
Published by: Henry Holt and Company, 2001
from goodreads.com:
An original take on some favorite nursery rhymes - this is one search for a new house that's bound to be more pleasure than trouble.
There was an old woman
who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children,
she didn't know what to do.
She gave them some broth
without any bread,
Then took them to live
in a new home instead.
Too messy, too woolly, too noisy, too small. Whether it's Humpty Dumpty's wall or Mother Hubbard's cupboard, the old woman (who once lived in a shoe) and her children (who once lived there, too) just can't seem to find a new home big enough for their growing needs. So where will they turn for a cozy night's rest? The perfect place is only a step away -- no moving van required!
* My kids are familiar with most of the classic nursery rhymes. Told in rhyming text, this story takes the reader on an adventure with the old woman who lived in a shoe as she tries to find a new home. The old woman encounters many of the characters from the classic nursery rhymes but finds problems with each of the potential new homes. My kids had a fun time naming the nursery rhyme that the storybook characters on each of the pages came from. We even recited some of the rhymes on our own before continuing with the story. This was a cute story that the kids and I really enjoyed.
Family Rating: 1 1/2 thumbs up.
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