P.J. Funnybunny Camps Out
Written by: Marilyn Sadler
Illustrated by: Roger Bollen
Published by: Random House, 1993
from goodreads.com:
Illus. in full color. Camping is not for girls, right? At least, that's what P.J. and his pals tell Donna and Honey Bunny when they want to tag along on a camping trip. But when two mysterious ghosts frighten the boys all the way home, only the girls know the "real" story.
* My son picked this book off of the beginning chapter book shelves at the library. I didn't really like when P.J. told his sister that "Camping is not for girls." I asked my son, is he right? Can girls go camping? I was very relieved when my son told me that girls can go camping (which we have done before as a family!). However, in the end, the girls prevail. This was a good book to practice predicting. When I had my son make some predictions he ended up being partly correct. When I made my prediction and ended up being correct, my kids accused me of reading the book before! Overall, this was a cute story about a bunny and his friends who attempt to go on a camping trip but end up being frightened and run home.
This book was borrowed from the library.
Family Rating: 1 thumb up.
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