Night Flight: Amelia Earhart Crosses the Atlantic
Written by: Robert Burleigh
Paintings by: Wendell Minor
Published by: Paula Wiseman/ Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers
from goodreads.com:
Award-winning author Robert Burleigh has captured Amelia Earhart's first solo flight across the Atlantic in 1932. She was only the second person to do this – and the first woman. Rich in detail, feeling and incident this is nonfiction with edge and action, a you-are-there experience made more dramatic and real by Wendell Minor's vivid paintings.
* To end the month of March and the celebration of Women's History Month I'm posting one last picture book review spotlighting a famous woman in history. Night Flight tells the story of Amelia Earhart's solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean. When I was in the fifth grade we had a living history fair where we had to dress up as the historical figure that we picked out of a hat, and then do a report on her/him and be able to answer questions as if we were really that person. I was Amelia Earhart. That was more than twenty years ago and honestly, I don't remember much about her. Unfortunately, this book was not the book to read to the kids to learn more about her. This book was very descriptive and used lots of similes to describe the storm that Earhart flew in, which is what the book focused on. The end of the book is more informative and gives a mini biography of of Earhart, along with famous quotes of hers, and internet resources. The Paintings are colorful and the story is beautifully written. It just wasn't as informative as I thought that it would be, or appealing to the kids.
Family Rating: 1 thumb up.
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