Too Princessy!
Written by: Jean Reidy
Illustrated by: Genevieve Leloup
Published by: Bloomsbury, 2012
from goodreads.com:
It's a rainy day, but not a single toy in the toy box seems fun enough for our adventuresome little girl. She tries everything from trucks to telescopes, puzzles to pianos, but nothing does the trick until she lets her creative sparks fly. In the spirit of the first two charmers, Too Purpley! and Too Pickley!, Reidy's sprightly text is again beautifully illustrated with Leloup's stylish art. Preschoolers will love to see and say all the games and toys the little girl tries, and adults will appreciate the celebration of imagination that is the best solution of all.
* Jean Reidy is the author of Too Purpley!, a picture book that I reviewed a couple of months ago. Too Princessy! her newest picture book is perfect for the child that says, "I'm bored!" Which is exactly how this story begins. When a little girls claims that she's bored, she goes through all of her toys and comes up with a reason why she can't play with it ("too jumpy," "too gluey," etc.). The bright, colorful pictures will help give your child lots of ideas of different things that he or she can do/play with.
Family Rating: 1 thumb up.
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